Super Proud Superintendent
Deb Paquette delivers her "Welcome Back" speech to teachers from her office this year.

Please note that Monday, August 31, the first day of school, will be a full day 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Middle School Volleyball 8/24-8/27
3-4:30pm Outside (bring your own water bottle and filled out MHSAA Health Questionnaire)
High School Volleyball 8/24-8/28
JV 4-6pm
Varsity 5-7pm
MS Soccer 8/26-8/28 (Wednesday thru Friday)
3-5pm on middle school field
HS Soccer 8/24-8/28
MS and HS Cross Country 8/24-8/28

What does Remote Learning Look Like? Click the link below to learn more. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wLhTaT6lX_NNH7JTbqcI5nbiEAkuDLPY/view?usp=sharing.

Chromebook device pickup is next week. Both students and a parent or guardian must be present at device pickup. The schedule is as follows:
Monday, August 24th
Students from the MS/HS and Bloomingdale Elementary that have chosen remote learning can pick up their Chromebook between 4 and 7 pm. MS/HS students and parents will enter at the main High School entrance and Bloomingdale Elementary students and parents will enter at the main staff entrance to the north of the high school entrance. Signs will be posted.
Tuesday August 25th
All remote and face to face learners in 2nd thru 5th grade from Pullman Elementary will pick up their devices from 4-7 pm at Pullman Elementary. Both student and parent must be present.
Wednesday August 26th
All face-to-face students in grades 2nd – 12th from Bloomingdale Elementary and the MS/HS can pick up their device from 4-7 pm at the MS/HS building utilizing the same entrances as Monday. Both student and parent must be present.
Students in Kindergarten and 1st grade who have chosen face-to-face learning will receive their devices in school at a later date.
Please be advised that social distancing between families must be practiced and masks are required for entry into the building. An administrator will be outside at every entrance to help facilitate proper social distancing and safety protocols.

Community donates supplies for back to school.

Click the link to see our job posting for a social studies teacher.

Click the link below to access the Remote Learning Lunch Order Form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GHwT7aHKCbkIPm94e7ar1MavmEQqczWF6t4W0QGDlcM/edit?ts=5f3acd7c

Click the link below to access the Return To Learn Plan

New App
We're thrilled to announce Bloomingdale Public Schools' new app! Access menus, news, emergency notifications and more. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/2Vb3T8B or iPhone:

Administrators are working on a back to school plan. If you have not already done so, please complete the survey found on facebook.

Fall 2020 PSAT/SAT Schedule Announced
The Michigan Department of Education has announced dates for fall PSAT/SAT testing. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is providing a fall administration of the SAT with Essay for students entering the 12th grade in Fall 2020, PSAT/NMSQT for students entering the 11th and 10th grades, and PSAT 8/9 for students entering 9th grade. The results will not be used for any accountability reporting. The purpose of a fall administration is to offer the opportunity for students to take the assessments.

This year's Senior Baccalaureate (virtual) service will be held on Sunday, May 17, at 3:30 p.m. via a Zoom Meeting. The link will be shared with all students and staff through their school email addresses prior to the Sunday gathering. The service consists of three main parts: A group of teachers playing instruments and leading the participants in worship songs, Senior students sharing about their faith, and the keynote address given by Kevin Farmer. Typically we provide an ice cream social immediately following the event. This year's format requires that you BYOIC (bring your own ice cream, haha!). Hope to see everyone there as we celebrate our Seniors! 🙂

Food Delivery and Pick Up Continues
Food is delivered to all bus stops on Mondays and Thursdays one hour prior to the normal afternoon drop off time. Drive up pick-up service will be Mondays and Thursdays from 11-12 at Bloomingdale Elementary and Pullman Elementary.

Stay Home - Stay Put
Beginning Tuesday, March 24, all district buildings are closed to all non-essential staff per Governor Whitmer's Executive Order.

Attention parents of middle and high school students: There is a PTO meeting tonight at 5:00. Please come and find out how you can be a part of this awesome group that is working so hard to support our/your students.

Secondary General Education and Special Education teachers received Professional Development today focused on successful co-teaching.