Course Catalog ~ available soon

School of Choice applications are not being accepted at this time because the window has closed.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

Winston Churchill  

Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Strive graduates!

Home of the Cardinals

Welcome to the STRIVE Academy

Bloomingdale Strive Academy offers students an alternative pathway to the traditional school experience by expanding learning options for high school students.  This alternative pathway allows students to receive online instruction only or a blend of online and in-person instruction to complete their high school graduation requirements.  Our program is designed for students who want an alternative to the traditional school setting, homeschooled students, students who have dropped out of school, working students, or suspended or expelled students. 

  • Students who are accepted into the Strive Academy will be required to complete the 18 credits of the Michigan Merit Curriculum for graduation.

  • All classes are accredited and aligned to Michigan’s State Standards and count towards graduation requirements.

  • Students will be required to attend in-person on specific days throughout the week and/or semester.  This will be determined by the Strive Director and students will be notified of said days via email, phone call, or text message.

  • Students attending in-person will be working on desktop computers or school-issued Chromebooks while at school.

  • Students will have access to a certified teacher of record that is employed by Bloomingdale Public Schools to get support and guidance to aid in their success in any subject and/or elective they are enrolled in.

  •  Students will have the opportunity to take some courses in the regular classroom setting such as fitness, Spanish, or Fine Arts.

  • Students who are on track for graduation as a Junior may participate in elective coursework for half of the school day through the Van Buren Tech Center in various programs.

  • A high-speed internet connection* is required for students that elect to work on coursework from home.

    *not provided by the district

For more information about the Strive Academy, please contact the Strive Director Nikki Meloche at (269) 250-7149 or